Anything worth having is worth having and what’s aways left from events are memories and a thing or to rmember. Sometimes when you give your heart away and all you get is a pen, either to write off or to write down on an empty sheets of fly leaf the bittersweet irony of one’s devotion... ...and as they say, anyone’s trash is treasure to someone and when life is over nothing is left but tears to cry and smiles to perk. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives yet we kept on treading this uncertainties of life’s lane with the thing in mind that there mght be something there in the end, well, the world goes around with or without you but what the eyes can’t see the won’t miss...memories yes!
Earings Cast on silver and different kind of stones
Earings Cast on silver and different kind of stones
Rings Cast on silver and red stone sits on its face
Rings Cast on silver and red stone sits on its face
Rings Cast on silver and red stone sits on its face
Rings Cast on silver and red stone sits on its face
Vanity Box Miniature, made up of silver plated metal, a small box, containing a mirror, powder...
Vanity Box Miniature, made up of silver plated metal, a small box, containing a mirror, powder puff, and other small articles for a woman.
Vintage silver ring with grey colored stone
Vintage silver ring with grey colored stone
Vintage silver ring with yellow colored stone
Vintage silver ring with yellow colored stone
Compact Mirror with N.N. Fitter inscribed on the front side (probably the name of the original...
Compact Mirror with N.N. Fitter inscribed on the front side (probably the name of the original owner) (silver)
Opera Glass 2,5 x 24-65 insignia. Opera glasses, also known as theater binoculars or Galilean...
Opera Glass 2,5 x 24-65 insignia. Opera glasses, also known as theater binoculars or Galilean binoculars, are compact, low-power optical magnification devices, usually used at performance events, whose name is derived from traditional use at opera performances.
Opera Glass Busch Opera glasses, also known as theater binoculars or Galilean binoculars, are...
Opera Glass Busch Opera glasses, also known as theater binoculars or Galilean binoculars, are compact, low-power optical magnification devices, usually used at performance events, whose name is derived from traditional use at opera performances.
This magnifying glass was presented to RAF by his other half Mrs. Esmat Faraj.
This magnifying glass was presented to RAF by his other half Mrs. Esmat Faraj.
This is E PLURIBUS UNUM United States of America One Dollar 1896.
This is E PLURIBUS UNUM United States of America One Dollar 1896.