
Anything worth having is worth having and what’s aways left from events are memories and a thing or to rmember. Sometimes when you give your heart away and all you get is a pen, either to write off or to write down on an empty sheets of fly leaf the bittersweet irony of one’s devotion... ...and as they say, anyone’s trash is treasure to someone and when life is over nothing is left but tears to cry and smiles to perk. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives yet we kept on treading this uncertainties of life’s lane with the thing in mind that there mght be something there in the end, well, the world goes around with or without you but what the eyes can’t see the won’t miss...memories yes!

Vintage Mirror

This is a vintage ovated mirror on brass base.

This is a vintage ovated mirror on brass base.

Weighing Scale

This is a weighing scale, made of brass.

This is a weighing scale, made of brass.

Remington Typewriter Compact Portable

Remington Typewriter Compact Portable E. Remington and Sons (1816–1896) was a manufacturer of...

Remington Typewriter Compact Portable E. Remington and Sons (1816–1896) was a manufacturer of firearms and typewriters. Founded in 1816 by Eliphalet Remington in Ilion, New York, on March 1, 1873 it became known for manufacturing the first commercial typewriter.

Bush Shortwave Radio

Bush Shortwave Radio. Shortwave radio is radio transmission using shortwave radio frequencies....

Bush Shortwave Radio. Shortwave radio is radio transmission using shortwave radio frequencies. There is no official definition of the band, but the range always includes all of the high frequency band (HF), and generally extends from 1.7–30 MHz (176.3–10.0 m); from the high end of the medium frequency band (MF) just above the mediumwave AM broadcast band, to the end of the HF band. Radio waves in the shortwave band can be reflected or refracted from a layer of electrically charged atoms in the atmosphere called the ionosphere. Therefore, short waves directed at an angle into the sky can be reflected back to Earth at great distances, beyond the horizon. This is called skywave or "skip" propagation. Thus shortwave radio can be used for very long distance communication, in contrast to radio waves of higher frequency which travel in straight lines (line-of-sight propagation) and are limited by the visual horizon, about 40 miles (64 km). Shortwave radio is used for broadcasting of voice and music to shortwave listeners over very large areas; sometimes entire continents or beyond. It is also used for military over-the-horizon radar, diplomatic communication, and two-way international communication by amateur radio enthusiasts for hobby, educational and emergency purposes, as well as for long distance aviation and marine communications.

Facit Adding Machine

Facit Adding Machine. The first calculator bearing the Facit name was an Odhner-type machine...

Facit Adding Machine. The first calculator bearing the Facit name was an Odhner-type machine made in 1918 by the firm of Axel Wibel in Stockholm.


Level made of steel and bronze.

Level made of steel and bronze.


The drum is a member of the percussion group of musical instruments.

The drum is a member of the percussion group of musical instruments.


Telescope is an optical instrument that aids in the observation of remote objects by collecting...

Telescope is an optical instrument that aids in the observation of remote objects by collecting electromagnetic radiation (such as visible light). The first known practical telescopes were invented in the Netherlands at the beginning of the 17th century, by using glass lenses. They found use in both terrestrial applications and astronomy.

His Masters Voice- The Gramophone Co. Ltd.

His Masters Voice- The Gramophone Co. Ltd., Made in Britain.

His Masters Voice- The Gramophone Co. Ltd., Made in Britain.

Weighing Scale

Weighing scale made of stainless steel.

Weighing scale made of stainless steel.

Weighing Scale

This is a vintage weighing scale, made of brass, in its keepsake box.

This is a vintage weighing scale, made of brass, in its keepsake box.


This is a hand carved finished book stand, made up of wood.

This is a hand carved finished book stand, made up of wood.

Cigarette Case

Cigarette Case made of leather

Cigarette Case made of leather

Cigarette Case

Cigarette Case made of leather

Cigarette Case made of leather

Bottle Holder

Bottle holder made of leather

Bottle holder made of leather

Vanity Box

Vanity Box made of wood and decorated with brasswork

Vanity Box made of wood and decorated with brasswork


Level made of steel and bronze. A level is a surveying optical instrument used to establish or...

Level made of steel and bronze. A level is a surveying optical instrument used to establish or verify points in the same horizontal plane. It is used in surveying and building with a leveling staff to measure height differences and to transfer, measure and set heights.


Level made of steel and bronze

Level made of steel and bronze

Compass T.G. Co.

Compass T.G. Co. London MK 111 1941

Compass T.G. Co. London MK 111 1941

Wind Flask English Pewter 1883

Wind Flask English Pewter 1883. While the term pewter covers a range of tin-based alloys, the...

Wind Flask English Pewter 1883. While the term pewter covers a range of tin-based alloys, the term English pewter has come to represent a strictly-controlled alloy, specified by BSEN611-1 and British Standard 5140, consisting mainly of tin (ideally 92%), with the balance made up of antimony and copper. Significantly, it is free of lead and nickel. Although the exact percentages vary between manufacturers, a typical standard for present-day pewter is approximately 91% tin, 7.5% antimony and 1.5% copper. By the 15th century, the Worshipful Company of Pewterers controlled pewter constituents in England. This company originally had two grades of pewter, but in the 16th century a third grade was added. The first type, known as "fine metal", was used for tableware. It consisted of tin with as much copper as it could absorb, which is about 1%. The second type, known as "trifling metal" or "trifle", was used for holloware. It is made up of fine metal with approximately 4% lead. The last type of pewter, known as "lay" or "ley" metal, was used for items that were not in contact with food or drink. It consisted of tin with 15% lead. These three alloys were used, with little variation, until the 20th century.[1] Lead was removed from the composition in 1974, by BS5140, reinforced by the European directive BSEN611 in 1994. Until the end of the 18th century, the only method of manufacture was by casting and the soldering of components. From the last quarter of the 18th century, improvement in alloys (e.g. Britannia metal) and techniques allowed objects to be made from pewter by stamping and spinning.


This level is made up steel and bronze.

This level is made up steel and bronze.

Cigarette Case

Cigarette Case made of leather

Cigarette Case made of leather

Bottle Holder

Bottle Holder made of silver

Bottle Holder made of silver

Candle Stand

Candle Stand made of wood and decorated with brasswork

Candle Stand made of wood and decorated with brasswork