Anything worth having is worth having and what’s aways left from events are memories and a thing or to rmember. Sometimes when you give your heart away and all you get is a pen, either to write off or to write down on an empty sheets of fly leaf the bittersweet irony of one’s devotion... ...and as they say, anyone’s trash is treasure to someone and when life is over nothing is left but tears to cry and smiles to perk. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives yet we kept on treading this uncertainties of life’s lane with the thing in mind that there mght be something there in the end, well, the world goes around with or without you but what the eyes can’t see the won’t miss...memories yes!
Telescope is an optical instrument that aids in the observation of remote objects by collecting...
Telescope is an optical instrument that aids in the observation of remote objects by collecting electromagnetic radiation (such as visible light)[citation needed]. The first known practical telescopes were invented in the Netherlands at the beginning of the 17th century, by using glass lenses. They found use in both terrestrial applications and astronomy.
Gramophone. A phonograph, the first device for recording and replaying sound Gramophone record,...
Gramophone. A phonograph, the first device for recording and replaying sound Gramophone record, also called vinyl or phonograph record, a disc shaped analogue sound recording medium.
This is a vintage backpack made of animal skin.
This is a vintage backpack made of animal skin.
Sextant is a doubly reflecting navigation instrument that measures the angular distance between...
Sextant is a doubly reflecting navigation instrument that measures the angular distance between two visible objects. The primary use of a sextant is to measure the angle between an astronomical object and the horizon for the purposes of celestial navigation.
Bronze sculpture of a Hawk. The piece rest on a solid wood base.
Bronze sculpture of a Hawk. The piece rest on a solid wood base.
This large donkey figurine is made up of ceramic materials.
This large donkey figurine is made up of ceramic materials.
Commemorative Race Car of Rotaract Club of Manama
Commemorative Race Car of Rotaract Club of Manama
A teapot is a vessel used for steeping tea leaves or a herbal mix in boiling or near-boiling...
A teapot is a vessel used for steeping tea leaves or a herbal mix in boiling or near-boiling water, and for serving the resulting infusion which is called tea.