PD16 Clipper

PD16 Clipper

Serial Number: Cam0015

616 film camera

Agfa - Ansco Corporation

Country of Origin:
Binghamton, New York, USA

Production Period:

Approximate Price:
USD 40.00 - 50.00


Status: Display

The Agfa PD16 Clipper camera was manu-
factured by the Agfa- Ansco company in circa 1938. This
Clipper camera combined simple, attractive appearance,
certain operation and rugged - durable steel construction into an inexpensive camera. It featured a telescoping
front with an optical view finder. The early version had a
metal wire pop-up view finder on the top and the front
was black enameled. The later version was improved and
referred to as Unifo. It was capable of capturing fifteen 2
1/16 x 2 1/2 inch sized exposures on Agfa PD16 or standard number 616 roll film. It was fitted with a Unifo double
lens, instantaneous bulb shutter mechanism, and easy
film load.