Serial Number: Cam0101
35 mm Rangefinder Camera
Walz Camera Co. Ltd
Country of Origin:
Production Period:
Approximate Price:
US Dollars 899.00
Status: Display
The Walz Electric is a 35 mm
rangefinder with a coupled selenium cell that was
sold in the early 60's by the Japanese company Walz.
It was available with a 1.8/45 mm or a 2.8/45 mm
Kominar lens and is fitted with a Copal SV shutter. It
was sold in the USA under the brand Lafayette.
The shutter allows speeds from B, 1s up to 1/1000s.
The aperture ring is coupled to the shutter speed
ring in order to keep the same EV when changing
shutter speed. It has a very high resemblance to the
Minolta AL cosmetically as well as technically. It's
shutter is probably not fully synchronized up to
1/1000s because it doesn't open fully at that speed at least not at large apertures. This is true for almost
all super fast leaf shutters.