Serial Number: Cam0107
Coupled-rangefinder camera
Country of Origin:
Production Period:
1954 - 1960
Approximate Price:
US Dollars 400.00
Status: Display
The Super Isolette is a
coupled-rangefinder camera for 6×6 cm pictures
on 120 film, made by Agfa from 1954-60.[1].
Super refers to the addition of a coupled
rangefinder. The camera is an extension of the
Isolette range of square-format folders the
Isolette III has an un-coupled RF other Isolettes
are all viewfinder cameras. However, the Super
Isolette was introduced only a little later than the
Isolette I, II and III, and is a high-specification alternative to them, not a replacement.
The Super Isolette always has a 75 mm f 3.5
Solinar, the highest-grade lens offered among
Agfa s folders. The shutter is either a
Synchro-Compur MX for the early cameras or a
Synchro-Compur MXV, fitted on cameras after
serial numbers somewhere in the 7xxx range. Both
these shutters are synchronised for flash. The lens
can accept 32 mm slip-on filters or 29.5 mm
screw-in ones. There is a double-exposure prevention interlock, with an indicator window by the
shutter release.
The film advance knob is on the right of the top
housing. There is a film-type reminder on the left,
in a knurled disc matching the film-advance.