Serial Number: Cam0108
35mm film viewfinder camera
Country of Origin:
West Germany
Production Period:
1961 - 1967
Approximate Price:
US Dollars 300.00
Status: Display
Vito CL is a 35mm film viewfinder
camera made by Voigtländer and produced
between 1961-67. It is in the Vito C series.
There are three models of the Vito CL, First Model
1960, Coupled Selenium cell lightmeter, needle
visible on top, ccessory shoe fitted into the top
housing, Second Model 1962, protruding accessory shoe, and the Third Model 1963, meter
needle visible on top and in finder, protruding
accessory shoe, top housing taller than earlier
Lense Color-Scopar 50mm f 2.8, filter slip-on
Aperture up to f 22 setting ring and scale on the
lens-shutter barrel
Focus range 1-20m +inf
Focusing manual front cell focusing, guess the
distance, ring, distance scale w symbols for
portrait, groups and landscape and DOF scale on
the lens
Shutter Prontor 500 LK, speeds 1 15-1 500 +B
Shutter release on the front cover, w cable release
socket beneath the lever
Cocking lever also winds the film, on the back of
the top-plate, long stroke