Serial Number: Cam0121
Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) Camera
Country of Origin:
Production Period:
1970 - 1986
Approximate Price:
Status: Display
The Yashica company made a
long line of 6×6 TLR cameras, comprising many
models which were the result of a gradual evolution rather than radical change they are conveniently divided into knob advance models and
crank advance models.
The Yashica Mat - 124G has a four-element,
80mm F3.5 taking lens, of the better Yashinon
variety. Focusing is via a ground glass screen, with
a 3x diopter loupe for critical focusing, as well as a
sports finder. The focusing screen is used with the
camera at waist-level. The sportsfinder, incorporated in the focusing hood, is operational by pushing the front cover backwards. According to the
Instruction Booklet, it comes in handy for snapshots or when shooting fast-moving objects at
eye-level. No screen to check focus in this set-up
though. The Copal shutter features speeds 1 to
1 500 sec., plus B.
The 124(G) can handle both 120 and 220 film.
Since the Yashicamat camera is basically a Rolleiflex copy, the controls take a similar configuration.
Build quality is very good. Yashica’s are considered
to be an excellent choice for entry-level medium
format. The 4-element 80mm f 3.5 Yashinon (taking) lens cannot be considered of equal quality
compared to the Rollei’s, however it produces very
good results, especially when stopped down to f