Serial Number: Cam0124
Medium format film TLR camera
Country of Origin:
Production Period:
1958 - 1974
Approximate Price:
US Dollars 160.00
Status: Display
Yashica-D is a medium format film TLR camera made by Yashica and produced between 1958-74. Specifications Film 120 roll, picture size 6x6cm Taking lens: Yashinon 80mm f/3.5, four elements, Bayonet I filter mount Early models were equipped with coated three-element Yashikor 80mm f/3.5 viewing and taking lenses The last Yashica-D models were equipped with bright 80mm f/2.8 Yashinon viewing lenses; models with this viewing lens and the Yashinon taking lens are very desirable on the used market. Aperture: up to f/22, setting: by a thumb wheel just above the left side of the taking lens, aperture and speed numbers are visible in a coupled small window just above thetaking lens Focus range: 1-20m +inf Viewing lens: Yashinon/Yashikor 80mm f/2.8 Focusing: Fresnel ground glass screen, via a big knob on the right side of the camera, w/ DOF scale Shutter: Copal MXV leaf shutter, speeds: 1-1/500 +B; setting: a thumb wheel just above the right side of the taking lens Viewfinder: TLR waist level hood finder, Fresnel screen with grid lines, w/ flip up magnifying loop and flip down center for the sports finder.