All Distance Pocket Ensign No. 1

All Distance Pocket Ensign No. 1

Serial Number: Cam0135

Folding Camera

Houghton-Butcher Manufacturing Co Ltd.

Country of Origin:
United Kingdom

Production Period:
1928 - 1932

Approximate Price:
US Dollars 170.00


Status: Display

The All Distance Pocket is a folding roll film camera of simple specification and designed to be an easily portable camera for family snapshot photography. It is a well constructed camera having a pressed metal body and baseboard, and is of the extending front type. The camera front which carries the lens and shutter, is attached to the body by leather folding bellows, and in use, extends from the body on rails mounted on the folding baseboard. The camera is opened for use by pulling out the baseboard support leg, which also acts as a latch for the camera front. This action causes the baseboard to fall forward, supported from the body by two quadrant struts, and lock into place. The lens panel can then be moved into place along the rails, by pressing and pulling on a knob at the base of the lens panel. The lens panel is returned to its folded position by reversing the procedure. Finally the camera is closed by pushing gently on each side strut which unlocks the baseboard and allows it to fold back to its closed position. The camera is designed to take 8 exposures 6 X 9 cm on 120 size film. It is fitted with a 10.5 cm meniscus lens of maximum aperture f8. (note this lens is not designated in any way and the maximum aperture is by my calculation based on an assumed focal length of 10.5cm and my measurement of the lens diameter). The lens aperture may be set at two alternative stops (probably f11 and f16) by means of a sliding quadrant lever below the lens panel. Movement of this lever rotates a disc, containing the alternative apertures, behind the lens. . The forward location Portraits probably sets the focus to about 10 feet, which at maximum aperture would give a Depth of Field of about 8 to 13 feet and for the format size, would be quite suitable for portraits.