

Serial Number: RAF0035

Status: Display

Bangles (15.3 cm/silver) a partial ring, an oval C shape with an opening on the underside through which the wrist is squeezed to form a more tightly fitting cuff. These are extremely versatile as a design, being more flexible in terms of sizing and fit and a much better option for those with larger hands whom struggle to fit though the full circle style.

Bangles are traditionally rigid bracelets which are usually from metal, wood, glass or plastic. They are traditional ornaments worn mostly by South Asian women in India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is common to see a new bride wearing glass bangles at her wedding, the traditional view is that the honeymoon will end when the last bangle breaks. Bangles also have a very traditional value in Hinduism and it is considered inauspicious to be bare armed for a married woman. Bangles may also be worn by young girls and bangles made of gold or silver are preferred for toddlers.